Animal house and how I met my wife

The first time I met my once and future wife Wanda

Was working at Barnes noble

By the lockers when I was with my best friends tom and Ryan

She comes up to me the first day she started working and asked me so sweetly can you open my locker???

I was struck back by her beauty but more of her innocence

That won my heart

Love real love can not be brought by power or money only counterfeited

True love is similar to God’s saving amazing grace



Falling on some

Bypassing untold many

Yet all desire it

some pure some corrupted by cultures norms all by sin

And like God’s amazing grace overcomes the seen and unseen









Towards that person

Till love mysterious like the wind which you can never see but always feel

Opens not only your heart your mind but theirs as well

Fixed eternally only on each other…

And I believe

And I know

God was tired of my ineptitudes

And literally threw you on my lap

Like the scene from the 80’s movie animal house the kid was in his room and thanks God for “his eve” likewise that was my desire and my heart written prayer perpetually from the first day I noticed the wonder,the beauty

of the opposite sex till God brought Wanda my eve into my life

Awakening me from own sleep like Adam our first father

called the teen and young adult years

In the church

It was not only before the physically present

But God was present

But Heaven was present

And the vows I took more sacred

More meaning

More unbreakable

Marriage is not a game of 1 people playing house and when gets boring you quit

No no no

Its too people

2 broken people

Vowing before God

To share theirs ther lives in inclusive realitionship of one

In sickness and health

For richer or poorer

Till death do us part

And if I alone believe it

I believe it with all my heart and mind

And honor it by my lifeblood

My heart

My mind

My soul

My aging body….

Shakespeare describes the futility of life as

a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing

I compare it to true love as well

Then I gladly I am a idiot

Concerning trying straining to hold unto true love divine in my mortal hands

Burning my flesh with the power of a thousands suns holding it as long till death calls me heavenward..

And with each passing day my eve

My wife Wanda

Becomes more a work of art

Curves more defined

Chiseled to perfection daily

By God and his painters brush called providence

my wife critiques me for not being a handy man like her father

but His is tool is hammer and nails

and I am more like a macgryver

and my tools are my thoughts,creativity,ideas,and words to and much more intricate than physical hammer and nails to

form musical compositions that will stand the test of time in any persons heart including my wife who is the main beneficiary

Which Michelangelo was a infinitely finite carbon copy of

That makes me eyes pop out

My heart beating Wanda in a musical masterpiece ….

Producing our most intimate moments alone

And our three children……. have